Who Reads Raven

Book jacket blurbs can give you a hint that a book might be worth reading, but they don’t help a librarian or bookseller when it comes time to recommend a book for a young reader. Here is a review and a little guidance from Beth Reynolds, former bookseller and now a children’s librarian at the Norwich Public Library in Norwich, Vermont. First the guidance: Although very different in setting and action, Sky Carver and Raven can be compared to the Merlin series by T.A. Barron, and to the Rowan of Rin series by Emily Rodda. Raven herself is a younger version of some of the heroines in Tamora Pierce’s many adventures. You can also compare Raven to the Land of Pellinor series by Alison Croggon and Stuart Hill’s The Cry of the Icemark, though it is for an audience that is slightly younger, roughly 9 to 14. Sky Carver also straddles the intermediate and YA Read More […]